Dining Room Banquet Table

Various table length combinations available:

Using two end sections, length would be 66 1/2"

Using two end sections with center section, length would be 99"

Using two end sections with center section and two 24" leaves, length would be 147"

This configuration can employ the end sections separately as serving tables, together as a dining table, and, for larger gatherings, together with individual two foot wide leaves, or with pedestal center section. Tilting tops allow each pedestal section to be stored neatly against the wall.

Center section:
H - 28 1/2"
W - 48"
L - 32 1/2"

End section:
H - 28 1/2"
W - 48"
L - 33 1/4"

Includes two 24" leaves.

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Pictured above: Center Pedestal
Kittinger Product Legend

HN = Historic Newport
CW = Colonial Williamsburg
WA = Williamsburg Adaptation
OD = Old Dominion
RH = Richmond Hill

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