Biggs 2023
John Shaw Chest

One of the most famous pieces in the entire Biggs Collection is the John Shaw Chest.

The original was made in 1783 for the Governor of Maryland by John Shaw, the famous Annapolis cabinetmaker. Collectors acclaim the Biggs Reproduction as an especially fine expression of young America's culture and tradition.

Biggs Master Craftsmen re-create the majestic original in all its 18th Century glory. They faithfully captured the spirit and art of the famed original cabinetmaker, exactly duplicating every detail of his design from the solid Honduras mahogany top, down to the large inlaid medallion on the front apron. The medallion is in itself a major cabinetmaking achievement.

The connoisseur especially praises the distinctive bow front, one of the finest examples of perfectly matched sun burst crotch mahogany.

H - 32"
W - 37"
D - 22"

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Kittinger Product Legend

HN = Historic Newport
CW = Colonial Williamsburg
WA = Williamsburg Adaptation
OD = Old Dominion
RH = Richmond Hill

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