Banjo Wall Clock

H - 33"
W - 10 3/4"
D- 4 1/2"

A very rare Colonial Williamsburg Reproduction

Circa 1820 Aaron Willard Gilt Presentation Banjo Wall Clock.

We are pleased to offer for sale in excellent condition, one of the rarest and most beautiful Colonial Williamsburg signed reproductions ever made.

Only 42 copies of this clock were ever produced. It is displayed, for the record, in just one Colonial Williamsburg catalog - 1982.

Although we have long been aware of this clock, we have never before seen it offered for sale.

Each clock carries a registration number on the Chelsea mechanism.

Each clock carries the hallmark of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Kittinger Company's trademark and is also signed by Chelsea on the dial.

The clock has an 8 day movement with pendulum.

The hand carved eagle is finished in 22 carat gold and the gilding on the remainder of the clock is finished in 23 carat gold leaf.

This clock is an excellent example of the authenticity and high level of craftsmanship found in Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's signed reproductions.

As in many of the finest examples of their work, one has the feeling that the reproduction was made for the purpose of proving that it could indeed be produced again in the modern era.

The clock is the result of a collaboration between the Chelsea Clock Company, considered to be one of the oldest and finest clock makers in America, The Kittinger Company of Buffalo, NY, a well known artist Marianne Picazzio, and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

Chelsea Clock Company has been a well known maker of fine clocks since the 19th Century.

Kittinger Company is the maker of the clock cabinet. Marianne Picazzio is a well known artist working with reverse glass painting and clock dials.

One of the most impressive features of the wall clock is the color and quality of its reverse-glass paintings. The paintings include a detail of a scene of Aurora in her chariot.


Kittinger Product Legend

HN = Historic Newport
CW = Colonial Williamsburg
WA = Williamsburg Adaptation
OD = Old Dominion
RH = Richmond Hill

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